Due to a holiday from July 20th to 28th, all purchased items will be shipped after July 29th.


Reading books is an experience, accompanying us from childhood and our first contact with the world, until our retirement and the fleeting days of life. Being exposed to books at any point in time can turn into a passion. The passion for drawing and color is cultivated in a child by his parents. The passion for history and culture is promoted in schools, universities, reading rooms, and libraries. A person who reads acquires knowledge. He does so with intention, commitment, and openness. Thus, demonstrating he cares about the world he lives in, as well as the more broadly understood world. A person who reads also demonstrates he cares for other people. For many readers, reading a book is like entering a stranger’s home, a home with different rules, values, and customs.
At the library, we come into contact not only with books. Sometimes we also attend benefits, exhibitions, even concerts. The library plays the role of an important cultural center. It is here that for the first time, many of us - readers, meet the authors of books, broaden our knowledge, not only about the book we have read but also about the author’s life and what prompted them to write.
In my personal memories appears a novel by Mark Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. I often read it as a child. Today, I am retired, and spend more time immersing myself in lengthy philosophical novels. For example, I admire the beautiful and rich literature of Fyodor Dostoyevsky. I also read, with great affection, the Polish patriotic and historical literature of B. Prus, H. Sienkiewicz, S. Żeromski and many other great writers.
My world, as a result of the books I have read, will never be closed. As I read, I tried to not only get to know the content, but also look for the thoughts through which the author wanted to describe the epoch. I was also looking for an indication of how to live with dignity and what to pass on to future generations. Such books in particular were of value to me. I appreciated biographical and historical books, but also travelogues and satirical novels. I approached each book with curiosity and humility, appreciating the effort the author put into reaching his reader. I've always been able to see the author and his purpose. Every book I read has filled me with satisfaction. The source of this satisfaction was not only its content, sometimes it was the editing or its appearance.
I have never embarked upon suggesting to the Reader which books he should read. Every reader creates their collection of books inspired by their own life. I have also created such a collection. I dare to say that everything I have achieved in my professional and private life is largely due to books, they have been my guide.
Dear Reader, I send my regards and hope, that the book which you read today, will always bring you joy and satisfaction.


Józef Kowalski

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