Due to a holiday from July 20th to 28th, all purchased items will be shipped after July 29th.

Terms and Conditions of Our Heart Wanders Online Store

§ 1
Preliminary provisions


1. The Online Store of Our Heart Wanders publishing house, accessible at www.ourheartwanders.pl is run by Mirosław Kowalski, representing the Our Heart Wanders consulting office. The company is registered at the Central Register and Information (CEIDG), NIP 5261424552, REGON 012750909
2. The following Terms and Conditions apply to both consumers and entrepreneurs. They also specify the rules of accessing the Online Store and the mode of concluding sales contracts with Customers.


§ 2
Contact Information


1. Address: ul. Pruszkowska 4c m.1a, Warszawa 02-118
2. E-mail address: ph@ourheartwanders.pl
3. Telephone number: +48 22 823 22 12; +48 607 645 363
4. Account Number: 31160014621082728440000001 (Bank Paribas)
IBAN - PL31160014621082728440000001
5. The customer can contact the seller using the addresses and phone numbers provided above.
6. The customer can contact the seller between 12:00-20:00.


§ 3
Technical specifications


In order to access the Store, including browsing through the assortment and placing orders, the following are necessary:
a. A terminal device with access to the Internet through an internet browser such as Google Chrome or Firefox
b. An active e-mail account (e-mail),
c. Enabled cookies,
d. Installed FlashPlayer.


§ 4
General Information


1. The Seller shall bear no responsibility to the fullest extent permitted by law for disruptions, including interruptions caused by force majeure, unlawful actions of third parties, or incompatibility of the Online Store with Customer’s technical infrastructure.
2. Browsing through the store’s assortment does not require creating an account. The customer can place an order either after setting up an account in accordance with the provisions of §5 of the Terms and Conditions or by providing the necessary contact information without the need to register for an account (as a guest).
3. The prices listed in the store are in Polish zloty (PLN) and are the gross prices. The prices of selected products are given in euro and are the gross prices.
4. The final amount the customer must pay includes the cost of the product and the cost of delivery (including transport fees, delivery and postal services). This information is disclosed on the store’s website while placing the order.


§ 5
Creating an Account


1. To set up an online account, fill out the registration form. It is necessary to provide the following information; Individual customer: First and Last Name, Street and house/apartment number, area code, city, country, telephone, e-mail; Company: Address, area code, city, country, telephone, email. It is free to register for an account.
2. You log into the account by providing the user name and password chosen during registration.
3. The customer has the option to delete their account without providing a reason or any additional fees by sending a relevant request to the Seller, specifically via e-mail or in writing to the addresses given in § 2.


§ 6
Placing an online order


To place an order you must:
1. Log in (optional);
2. Select your product and then click the “Add to basket” button;
3. Log in or choose the option of placing an order without registration;
4. If the order is being placed without registering for an account — fill out the Online Form including the recipient’s contact information as well as the shipping address, delivery method, fill out the invoice details if they differ from the contact information already provided.
5. Click the “Order and pay” button and confirm the order by following the link sent by e-mail,
6. Choose one of the available payment methods and depending on the payment method, pay for the order within the specified period.


§ 7
Available methods of delivery and payment


1. The Customer can use the following delivery or self-pick-up methods to collect their ordered product:
a. Registered mail or Parcel Post (by Poczta Polska)
b. Self pick-up at: Pruszkowska 4c m.1a Warszawa 02-118……………….
2. The customer can use the following payment methods:
a. Payment by bank transfer to the Seller’s account
b. Electronic payment (PayPal)


§ 8
Conclusion of the Sales Agreement


1. The conclusion of the Sales Agreement between the Customer and the Seller takes place after the Customer has placed an Order using the Order Form in the Online Store in accordance with § 6 of the Terms and Conditions.
2. After placing the Order, the Seller immediately confirms its receipt and at the same time accepts the Order for processing. The confirmation of receipt and processing of the order occurs when the Seller sends an e-mail to the address provided during the placement of the Order, which contains at least the Seller’s declaration of receipt of the Order and its acceptance for processing as well as the confirmation of the conclusion of the Sales Agreement. Upon receiving the above-mentioned e-mail, a Sales Agreement has been concluded between the Customer and the Seller.
3. The Customer is required to complete the payment within two business days of the conclusion of the Sales Agreement, otherwise the order will be cancelled.
4. If the Customer chose a delivery method other than self-pick-up, the order will be sent out by the Seller within the time frame provided in the description, in the method chosen by the Customer during the placement of the Order.
5. The fulfillment of the order will begin when the funds have reached the Seller’s bank account.
6. If the customer selects to personally pick-up the order, it will be ready for pick-up within the time frame indicated above. The Seller will also inform the Customer when the order will be ready for pick-up via the e-mail address provided during the placement of the order.
7. We ship to Poland and selected countries with which we have signed an agreement. Delivery costs (including transport and delivery fees) are indicated on the Online Store website in the “Delivery Costs” tab. The customer is also informed of the delivery costs during the Order placement.
8. Self pick-up by the Customer is free of charge.


§ 9
Right of withdrawal


1. The consumer may withdraw from the sale agreement within 14 days without providing a reason.
2. The deadline referred to in paragraph 1 starts with the delivery of the Product to the Consumer or the person indicated by the Consumer other than the carrier.
3. The Consumer may withdraw from the contract by submitting a declaration of withdrawal to the Seller.
4. In the event of withdrawal from the contract concluded remotely the contract is considered null and void.
5. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the Seller shall reimburse the Consumer, including delivery costs, within 14 days of receiving the Consumer’s statement of withdrawal, with the exception of additional costs resulting from the selection of a delivery method other than the cheapest method offered by the Seller.
6. The Seller shall reimburse the Consumer using the same method selected during the original transaction.
7. The Seller may withhold the reimbursement until the Product has been returned.
8. The Consumer should return the purchased Product to the Seller’s address, provided in these Terms and Conditions immediately after informing the Seller of the withdrawal from the contract.
9. The Consumer bears the direct costs of returning the Product.
10. The Consumer is liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting in damage to the Product.


§ 10


1. Only new Products are covered by the Sales Agreement.
2. The Seller is obliged to provide the customer with a product free of any defects.
3. In the event of any damage incurred by the purchased goods, the customer has the right to complain based on the warranty rules in the Civil Code.
4. The complaint should be reported in writing or electronically to the addresses provided in these Terms and Conditions.
5. The Seller will respond to the complaint request immediately, not later than within 14 days. If the Seller fails to do so within the given time period, the Customer’s request is considered justified.
6. Goods returned under the complaint procedure shall be dispatched to the address given in paragraph 2.


§ 11
Personal Data in the Online Store


1. The Seller is the administrator of the clients’ personal data collected through the Online Store.
2. The personal data collected by the administrator through the Online Store are collected for the purpose of fulfilling the Sales Agreement.
3. The recipients of the personal data of the customers of the Online Store may be:
a. In the case of a Customer who uses the shipping method in the Online Store, the Administrator provides the agent or intermediary who carries out the consignments on behalf of the administrator with the personal data of the customer.
b. In the case of a Customer who uses the electronic payment method, the Administrator shares the collected personal data of the client with a selected entity that services the above payments in the Online Store.
4. The customer has the right to access their personal data and make any corrections.
5. Providing one’s personal data is voluntary, although failure to provide the necessary personal data indicated in the Terms and Conditions will make it impossible to conclude the Sales Agreement.


§ 12
Final provisions

Agreements concluded through the Online Store are concluded in Polish.
2. The Seller reserves the right to make changes to the Terms and Conditions for important reasons such as: changes to the law, changes to payment and delivery methods, to the extent that such amendments affect the implementation of the provisions of these Rules of procedure. The Seller will inform Customer at least 7 days in advance of any change.
3. In matters not covered by the Terms and Conditions general law is applicable, particularly the Civil Code; the Law on electronic services, the Consumer Rights Acts, the Data Protection Act.

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